Coffee Products

San Francisco Bay Whole Bean Coffee, Medium Dark Roast

This San Francisco Bay Whole Bean Coffee has a medium dark roast and a full-bodied, rich flavor. This coffee is made with 100% Arabica beans and is carefully roasted to bring out its full flavor and aroma. It is ideal for those who enjoy a strong, robust cup of coffee.

San Francisco Bay Whole Bean Coffee, Medium Dark Roast
This San Francisco Bay Whole Bean Coffee has a medium dark roast and a full-bodied, rich flavor. This coffee is made with 100% Arabica beans and is carefully roasted to bring out its full flavor and aroma. It is ideal for those who enjoy a strong, robust cup of coffee.

Bodum Pour Over Coffee Maker With Permanent Filter

With the Bodum Pour Over Coffee Maker, you can make the perfect cup of coffee every time. The permanent filter ensures a rich and flavorful brew, and the sleek and modern design adds a stylish touch to your kitchen.

Bodum Pour Over Coffee Maker With Permanent Filter
With the Bodum Pour Over Coffee Maker, you can make the perfect cup of coffee every time. The permanent filter ensures a rich and flavorful brew, and the sleek and modern design adds a stylish touch to your kitchen.