Moka Pot Iced Espresso

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Moka Pot Iced Espresso
Experience the Rich, Full-Bodied Taste of French Press Coffee

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Experience the Rich, Full-Bodied Taste of French Press Coffee

Suggested Cookware

Experience the Rich, Full-Bodied Taste of French Press Coffee

Moka Pot Iced Espresso Recipe

Cool down with an iced espresso made in a moka pot. This recipe is simple to prepare and can be tailored to your preferences.


Time Needed

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes


  • Fill the lower chamber of the moka pot with water.
  • Insert the coarsely ground coffee into the filter basket of the moka pot.
  • Screw the top chamber onto the bottom chamber and set the moka pot on medium heat.
  • Allow the espresso to brew for about 5 minutes, or until the top chamber is full and the coffee stops flowing.
  • Remove the moka pot from the heat and run it under cold water to cool it down.
  • Fill a glass halfway with ice cubes and pour in the brewed espresso.
  • If desired, add milk or cream and sweetener to taste.

Iced Coffee Accessories

The Coffee Recipe Book

The Unofficial Starbucks Cookbook

The Curious Barista's Guide To Coffee

The Barista Book

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